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This is actually the most important because you will avoide any mishap if  you are well aware of xauctioneer’s site rules.

Our site rules are simple and and easy to remember. But failure in following these rules may limit your account or suspend/band as well.

  1. One account is allowed: Just like every marketplace, x auctioneer doesn’t allow more than one verified account to avoide fake bids or shill bidding on the auctions.
  2. No private offers to the users by passing xauctioneer to save commission. We just charge 5% but you may get banned to save this minor percentage of amount.
  3. This website is genuinely serious buying selling marketplace so don’t try to test bids on live auctions.
  4. Every bid is binding and must be finalize in case of successful auction. Failure in completing the transaction may be subject to suspend or banned your account for ever.
  5. The commenst section below each live auction can be only used to discuss about the item. its strictly prohibited to use it for any kind of promotion even your own live auction at xauctioneer is not allowed using the comment section.
  6. Also you should avoid any kind of abuse in the comment section.
  7.   Every user has full rights to buy or sell using xauctioneer marketplace auctions.
  8. You should check each listing carefully to avoid any issues after sale or purchase the item. This website is not responsible for the listed items.
  9. the sellers must provide true details with all available evidences of website ownership, traffic stats and revenue proof.
  10. The buyer is responsible to do due diligence of the listed item prior making a bid. Once the bid is placed, it must be honored on winning.
  11. the seller must avoid list the item anywhere else once its listed in live auction at xauctioneer. This website scan regular data so finding the same item elsewhere, may get your account limited or suspended. Sellers must avoid “Shill bidding”. That means a seller can not bid on your auction using any other user account. Sellers are not allowed to request for shill bidding to the other users.
  12. The sellers are not allowed to hide any kind of information regarding the item(s) listed at xauctioneer. users are not allowed to copy the sales letter / Auction description of the other listings at any cost. But they may use in their own words that are not exact copy of the source.
  13.  Users are allowed to use sales letter templates for more than one auction listings.
  14.  Users must include every available website source files, databases, license or other related documents as well as the Domain name.
  15. User must inform the Domain creation and expiry date as well as the registrar name in the listing items.
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  18. Every listing items should not be breaking criminal laws.


As we stated above, xauctioneer has zero tolerance policy over any infractions and violations of the stated rules. This website takes serious action against breaking the rules.
if you have any question regarding any rule, just contact us.